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List of AI Impacts' citations

Published 28 June, 2016; last updated 25, January 2024

A non-exhaustive collection of places where AI Impacts’ work has been cited.

2023 Expert Survey on Progress in AI

2022 Expert Survey on Progress in AI

Places where the 2022 ESPAI has been cited:

  1. Department for Science, Innovation and Technology. 2023. “Frontier AI: capabilities and risks – discussion paperUK Government
  2. Feldman, Noah. 2023. “Regulating AI Will Be Essential. And Complicated.Bloomberg
  3. Wallace-Wells, David. 2023. “A.I. Is Being Built by People Who Think It Might Destroy UsThe New York Times
  4. Klein, Ezra. 2023. “Transcript: Ezra Klein Interviews Kelsey PiperThe New York Times
  5. Klein, Ezra. 2023. “This Changes EverythingThe New York Times
  6. Samuel, Sigal. 2023. “The case for slowing down AI" Vox
  7. Lopez, German. 2023. ”Using A.I. in Everyday LifeThe New York Times
  8. 2023. ”How generative models could go wrongThe Economist
  9. Harari, Yuval, et al. 2023. ”You Can Have the Blue Pill or the Red Pill, and We’re Out of Blue PillsThe New York Times
  10. Hammond, Samuel. 2023. ”We Need a Manhattan Project for AI SafetyPolitico
  11. Nay, John. 2022. ”Aligning AI with Humans by Leveraging Law as DataCenter for Legal Informatics, Stanford University

'Let's think about slowing down AI' | Katja Grace

Places where Katja Grace's blogpost 'Let's think about slowing down AI' has been cited:

  1. Samuel, Sigal. 2023. ”The case for slowing down AI" Vox
  2. Klein, Ezra. 2023. “This Changes EverythingThe New York Times


Places where AI Impacts researchers have been interviewed:

  1. Samuel, Sigal. 2023. “The case for slowing down AI" Vox
  2. Lopez, German. 2023. ”Using A.I. in Everyday LifeThe New York Times

'Will AI end everything? A guide to guessing' | Katja Grace | EAG Bay Area 23

Places where Katja Grace's talk at EA Global Bay Area 2023, 'Will AI end everything? A guide to guessing', was cited:

AI Timelines

  1. Baumann, Tobias. 2017. “S-risks: An introduction “. Center for Reducing Suffering 
  2. Brundage, Miles. 2016. “Modeling Progress in AI“. arXiv:1512.05849arXiv. 
  3. McClusky, Peter. 2016. “AGI Timelines“. Bayesian Investor Blog. (archive)
  4. Muehlhauser, Luke. 2015. “What Do We Know about AI Timelines?” Open Philanthropy Project. (archive)
  5. Muehlhauser, Luke. 2015. “What should we learn from past AI forecasts?” Open Philanthropy Project. (archive)

Computing Power and the Brain

  1. Roehrl, Richard. 2022. ”Conceptualizing future scenarios of artificial intelligence – from energy servants to AI servantsUnited Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
  2. Blue, Charles. 2021. ”Could Quantum Computing Revolutionize Our Study of Human Cognition?Association for Psychological Science
  3. Carlsmith, Joseph. 2020. ”New Report on How Much Computational Power It Takes to Match the Human BrainOpen Philanthropy Project
  4. Sandberg, Anders. 2016. ”Energetics of the brain and AIFuture of Humanity Institute

Cost of Computing

  1. John, Andrew, et al. 2022. ”AI and ComputeCenter for Security and Emerging Technology
  2. Hoffman, Ben. 2016. ”Paths to singleton: a hierarchical conceptual frameworkBen Models the World (archive)

Mathematical Conjectures

  1. Future of Life Institute. 2015. “A survey of research questions for robust and beneficial AI“. The Future of Life Institute.

Expert Predictions

  1. Hanson, Robin. 2016. “Age of Em“. Oxford University Press.

Discontinuous Technological Progress Bounties

  1. Hsu, Jeremy. 2016. “Making Sure AI’s Rapid Rise Is No Surprise“. Discover Blogs: Lovesick Cyborg. (archive)

2016 Expert Survey on Progress in AI

  1. Barnett, Matthew, et al. 2023. “The Direct Approach“. Epoch
  2. Scharre, Paul. 2022. “FOUR BATTLEGROUNDS: Power in the Age of Artificial Intelligence“. W. W. Norton & Company
  3. Yampolskiy, Roman. 2020. “Artificial Superintelligence: Coordination & Strategy“. Mdpi AG
  4. Schweisfurth, Tim, et al. 2020. “Can AI ever rival human creativity? Here’s what the science says“. Fast Company
  5. Alexander, Scott. 2018. “Is Science Slowing Down?“. Slate Star Codex
  6. Gray, Richard. 2017. “How long will it take for your job to be automated?“. BBC. (Reposted by OECD Forum.)
  7. Emerging Technology from the arXiv. 2017. Experts Predict When Artificial Intelligence Will Exceed Human Performance. MIT Technology Review. (This article also appeared in Business Insider.)
  8. Weller, Chris and Gould, Skye. 2017. “Here’s when robots will start beating humans at every task“. Business Insider.
  9. AKALib. 2017. “When Will AI Exceed Human Performance?“. Daily Kos.
  10. Quach, Katyanna. 2017. “Your job might be automated within 120 years, AI experts reckon“. The Register.
  11. Abbot, Nick. 2017. “Anything we can do, they can do better“. Leading Britain’s Conversation.
  12. Calamur, Harini. 2017. “Artificial Intelligence is the next big threat to job creation“. Daily News and Analysis.
  13. Kiernan. 2017. “Let’s Look At How Many Years It Will Be Before A Robot Takes Your Job“. 2OceansVibe. (This article also appeared in Nigeria Today.)
  14. Revell, Timothy. 2017. “AI will be able to beat us at everything by 2060, say experts“. New Scientist.
  15. Alexander, Scott. 2017. “SSC Journal Club: AI Timelines“. Slate Star Codex.
  16. Owano, Nancy. 2017. “Experts predict when AI will surpass humans in all tasks“. Tech XPlore.
  17. Treene, Alayna. 2017. “A timeline of when AI could outperform humans“. Axios.
  18. Scott, Peter. 2017. “When will a machine do your job better than you?“. Human Cusp.
selected_citations.1714457981.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/04/30 06:19 by katjagrace