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Welcome to the AI Impacts Wiki!
Complete list of pages, in order of most recently modified to least recently modified
Capabilities of state-of-the-art AI, 2024
How much computing capacity exists in GPUs and TPUs in Q1 2023?
Argument for AI x-risk from large impacts
Surveys of experts on levels of AI Risk
Arguments for AI x-risk from destructive multi-agent dynamics
Argument for AI x-risk from loss of control through speed
Argument for AI x-risk from loss of control through inferiority
Second species argument for AI x-risk
Argument for AI x-risk from powerful black boxes
Arguments for AI x-risk from catastrophic tools
Argument for AI x-risk from variance in human values
Views of prominent AI developers on risk from AI
Interview with Victoria Krakovna on the strength of the evidence for AI risk claims
Interview with Jacob Hilton on the strength of the evidence for AI risk claims
Interview on the strength of the evidence for AI risk claims with an anonymous AI alignment researcher
Scenarios and supporting arguments
The range of human intelligence
List of AI Impacts' citations
Surveys of public opinion on AI
2023 Expert Survey on Progress in AI
Surveys of US public opinion on AI
AI Timeline Surveys
AI Timeline Prediction Markets
Examples of Warning Signs
Quantitative Estimates of AI Risk
Collected empirical evidence for misalignment and power-seeking behavior in AI
Examples of Regulated Things
Resisted Technological Temptations Project
Resisted Technological Temptation: Geoengineering
2022 Expert Survey on Progress in AI
List of possible risks from AI
Likelihood of discontinuous progress around the development of AGI
Examples of Progress for a Particular Technology Stopping
Cognitive capabilities of insects
Affordances for AI labs
AI labs' statements on governance
March 2023 Recent trends in funding for AI companies
Factors that affect the price of GPUs
Predictions of Human-Level AI Timelines
Preliminary survey of prescient actions
AI Safety Arguments Affected by Chaos
Chaos in Humans
Resisted Technological Temptation: Vaccine Challenge Trials
Global computing capacity
Resisted Technological Temptation: Nuclear Power
Funding of AI Research
Historic trends in ship size
Bug List
Affordances for states
List of Analyses of Time to Human-Level AI
List of sources arguing for existential risk from AI
Do neural networks learn human concepts?
Solutions to common problems
2019 recent trends in GPU price per FLOPS
Fiction relevant to AI futurism
AI Vignettes Project
Historic trends in altitude
Time for AI to cross the human performance range in chess
Costs of extinction risk mitigation
Examples of early action on risks
How energy efficient are human-engineered flight designs relative to natural ones?
Energy efficiency of Airbus Zephyr S
Historic trends in manned altitude
Evidence against current methods leading to human level artificial intelligence
Katja Grace
Range of human performance
Artificial Intelligence
Technical Details
Ben Weinstein-Raun
Energy efficiency of Wright Flyer
Energy efficiency of wandering albatross flight
Energy efficiency of Wright model B
Energy efficiency of Vickers Vimy plane
Energy efficiency of The Spirit of Butt’s Farm
Energy efficiency of paramotors
Hardware overhang
Energy efficiency of monarch butterfly flight
Energy efficiency of MacCready Gossamer Albatross
Possible Empirical Investigations
Promising research projects
AI Impacts 2020 review
Methodology for discontinuous progress investigation
Energy efficiency of North American P-51 Mustang
AI Impacts key questions of interest
Time for AI to cross the human performance range in diabetic retinopathy
Historic trends in light intensity
Examples of AI systems producing unconventional solutions
Penicillin and historic syphilis trends
Incomplete case studies of discontinuous progress
Historic trends in transatlantic passenger travel
Historic trends in transatlantic message speed
Historic trends in the maximum superconducting temperature
Historic trends in telecommunications performance
Historic trends in slow light technology
Historic trends in particle accelerator performance
Historic trends in long-range military payload delivery
Historic trends in land speed records
Time for AI to cross the human performance range in Go
Historic trends in flight airspeed records
Historic trends in chess AI
Historic trends in bridge span length
Energy efficiency of Boeing 747-400
Effects of breech loading rifles on historic trends in firearm progress
Effect of nuclear weapons on historic trends in explosives
Effect of Eli Whitney’s cotton gin on historic trends in cotton ginning
Effect of AlexNet on historic trends in image recognition
Time for AI to cross the human range in StarCraft
Time for AI to cross the human range in English draughts
Historic trends in book production
Time for AI to cross the human performance range in ImageNet image classification
Energy efficiency of Airbus A320
MIRI AI Predictions Dataset
Conversation with Steve Potter
Cost of human-level information storage
The cost of TEPS
2019 recent trends in Geekbench score per CPU price
Sources of advantage for digital agents over biological agents
Current FLOPS prices
Neuron firing rates in humans
Discontinuous progress investigation
Electrical efficiency of computing
Early Views of AI
Investigation into the relationship between neuron count and intelligence across differing cortical architectures
Information storage in the brain
Nordhaus hardware price performance dataset
Trends in DRAM price per gigabyte
Historical economic growth trends
Price-performance trend in top supercomputers
Guide to pages on AI timeline predictions
Brain performance in TEPS
Group Differences in AI Predictions
Incentives to create AI systems known to pose extinction risks
Interviews on plausibility of AI safety by default
Returns to scale in research
Research topic: Hardware, software and AI
Precedents for economic n-year doubling before 4n-year doubling
List of multipolar research projects
Brain performance in FLOPS
Glossary of AI Risk Terminology and common AI terms
Evidence on good forecasting practices from the Good Judgment Project
Cases of Discontinuous Technological Progress
AI Impacts research bounties
Conversation with Rohin Shah
Conversation with Robin Hanson
Conversation with Paul Christiano
Conversation with Ernie Davis
Conversation with Adam Gleave
Human-Level AI
Stuart Russell’s description of AI risk
List of sources arguing against existential risk from AI
Progress in general purpose factoring
AI conference attendance
Surveys on fractional progress towards HLAI
Outcomes of inducement prizes
Müller and Bostrom AI Progress Poll
AGI-11 survey
Michie Survey
2016 ESPAI Narrow AI task forecast timeline
2016 ESPAI questions printout
2016 Expert Survey on Progress in AI
AGI-09 Survey
AI@50 Survey
Automation of music production
Bainbridge Survey
Concrete AI tasks for forecasting
Etzioni 2016 survey
FHI Winter Intelligence Survey
Hanson AI Expert Survey
Klein AGI Survey
Kruel AI Interviews
Media discussion of 2016 ESPAI
Walsh 2017 survey
2018 price of performance by Tensor Processing Units
Accuracy of AI Predictions
Scale of the Human Brain
Allen, The Singularity Isn’t Near
Comparison of naturally evolved and engineered solutions
Computing hardware performance data collections
Conversation with Tom Griffiths
Costs of human-level hardware
Costs of information storage
Effect of marginal hardware on artificial general intelligence
Historic trends in structure heights
Human-level hardware timeline
Index of articles about hardware
Kurzweil, The Singularity is Near
Metabolic Estimates of Rate of Cortical Firing
2017 trend in the cost of computing
Resolutions of mathematical conjectures over time
Transmitting fibers in the brain: Total length and distribution of lengths
AI Timeline predictions in surveys and statements
Trend in compute used in training for headline AI results
Chance date bias
Publication biases toward shorter predictions
Selection bias from optimistic experts
Similarity Between Historical and Contemporary AI Predictions
Coordinated human action as example of superhuman intelligence
The Maes-Garreau Law
2015 FLOPS prices
Wikipedia history of GFLOPS costs
Was the industrial revolution a drastic departure from historic trends?
Trends in the cost of computing
Trends in algorithmic progress
What do coherence arguments imply about the behavior of advanced AI?
Formatting Syntax
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· Last modified: 2023/09/18 22:30 by
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